2015年2月4日 星期三

Travel Better Together !

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Travel Better Together !
01. Go Somewhere you both want to go, not just somewhere that pleases your partner, so that you can both enjoy your vocation!
02. It takes a certain level of commitment to travel far together, so make sure you're comfortable with your partner before embarking on trips across the world.
03. Discuss your habits and pet peeves so that you're both prepared for the best and the worst of each other.
04. Decide roles and responsibilities.  If one of you is better with directions, take charge of that role, to avoid arguments.
05. Don't break up on the road. The last thing you want is to be stranded in a foreign country by yourself.
06. Don't pack your schedule too tightly, leave time for R&R to connect and enjoy some romance.
07. Don't be stingy and split every single dollar.  Take turns to treat other and enjoy giving and receiving.
08. Learn to laugh in stressful situations, instead of playing the blame game.
09. Be thoughtful.  Your partner deserves consideration and respect just as much as you do.
10. Keep a shared journal with pictures and mementos to remind you of your wonderful trip together.




在一段交往中,當其一方陷入人生混亂中,意志力失衡的狀況時,我們有沒有義務不離不棄,拯救對方重獲新生? 這也是我常常問自己的問題。 不是我不愛阿耀,一走了之會不會太狼心? 若果沒有人幫他,他怎樣一個人走下去呢? 當我都沒有能力再幫他,我的人生也會被拖垮,愛是需要這樣...